Let’s face it: winter is here, even if the calendar says we have a few more weeks of fall. We have been winterizing irrigation systems throughout Minnetonka and the surrounding areas. So here are a few tips on how to keep your lawn and landscaping in good shape so they look great this spring.

Cut back on dead plants

If you have perennials in your yard or garden, now is a good time to cut back on their brown tops. This is the part of the plant that has grown and died. So cutting back on them now gives new growth a chance to blossom once spring rolls around again. Just be sure the part of the plant you are cutting back is fully brown. Don’t cut anything that is still green or even yellow. And when irrigation systems kick back on this spring, these plants should come back fairly quickly.

Take care of your mower

After irrigation systems are blown out for the fall and winter months, that is a good cue that your mower can hibernate for a few months too. Take the time to drain the gas tank and give your mower some more TLC – change the oil, clean it (especially the under-side), sharpen the mower blade and replace the spark plug if it needs replacing.

Keep the snow clear

When your area gets a significant snowfall, don’t just shovel your driveway and call it a day. Take the time to clear snow off of tree branches. Snow can weigh them down and cause damage. However, if they are coated in ice, just leave them alone because trying to break the ice off of the branches could result in more damage to the tree.

Beware of foot traffic

When there is snow or ice on your grass, try not to walk on your grass. A lot of foot or sled traffic could compact the grass and make it harder for the grass to grow in and stay upright once spring rolls around again. Of course, you can walk on your yard if you want to, but try to keep it down to a minimum if possible. This also helps irrigation systems get your yard looking good again when springtime is here again!

Are you ready to learn more about irrigation systems in Minnetonka? Call Advanced Irrigation at 612-599-8675, or you can contact us for a Free Estimate.