Soon, all the snow will be gone, the cold air will have disappeared and the trees will bloom with leaves. Spring is on its way, which means you’ll soon be outside mowing, planting, fertilizing and watering.

Since spring is only a little over two months away, you should be thinking about what you want your lawn and landscape to look like this year. And in between now and spring, there are several things you can do to make the transition back into lawn care much easier. Here are some tips for getting ready for the spring lawn care routine:

Patience is key

Just because it’s comfortable enough outside to not need a coat doesn’t mean your lawn is ready. It needs to gradually wake itself up from the dormant winter state, and spending too much time on your lawn care before it’s fully green increases health risks, including grass compaction and killing new shoots before they’ve matured. Hold off on mowing or aerating until the lawn has become mostly green. Starting your lawn sprinklers really depends on the winter, but it’s generally recommended to wait until mid-April to avoid frost and other damage.

Rake first

The last lawn care task you completed last year was most likely raking. It’s a good idea to do this again, and give your lawn a good, deep raking. This allows you to pull up any thatch that might have grown over the winter, and will allow you to locate dead or compacted areas that will require extra attention.


A soil pH test is an invaluable tool when prepping your lawn for the summer. Bitter winters can cause your lawn to become acidic, which makes grass growth very difficult.

Want us to handle your lawn care? Call us now at (612) 599-8675 or Click Here for a Free Quote.