As the temperature begins to drop, you can begin to think less about cutting grass –though you will likely still need to do so at least one more time! – and begin to think more about preparing your lawn for the winter weather.

Here in the Twin Cities, due to snowfall and freezing temps, the grass growth will slow, so the final mowing of the year means that the blades of your mower need to be set at a height of 2 inches. Long grass will get matted down by winter storms and then provides the perfect home for field mice, so it is imperative that you protect your lawn from these issues so your work next spring will be easier to manage.

In addition to cutting your grass low, be sure you have applied a cool season grass seed as well as a nitrogen-rich fertilizer or soil enhancer, if you live in a warmer region. However, for those living in cooler climate, the experts recommend using a potassium rich supplement. Then, regardless of where you may live, it is beneficial to have a soil test performed to get an idea of how your soil is doing. The test will help you better determine what work, as well as what type of plants, you will want to consider for the following year.

If you are one to use an organic approach to lawn care, then fall is the perfect time to add another layer of compost as this can help keep the soil healthy. Follow the application of compost with a god watering –especially if it has been a dry fall season. This will help the trees and shrubbery to take on water to store and help them stay healthy during the winter.

Once winter snow and ice have descended, keep in mind that the white surface does not create a pavement that protects plants from damage! Don’t park snowplows, vehicles or other heavy items on your yard or when the snow finally melts, there will be significant lawn damage to repair. As part of your winter lawn care preparation you can ensure you keep those heavy items off the lawn, by inserting stakes or post to indicate the edges of your lawn.

And, lastly, be sure to avoid sodium based ice melters around the lawns and plants. Yes, this is the cheapest, but it will damage your lawn. Rather use calcium chloride as this is more environmentally friendly.

Winter lawn care preparation is important. Taking the time prepare your lawn now, will benefit you in the future. If you need help, contact the pros here at Advance Irrigation. We would love to help you!

Contact us today with any questions 612-599-8675 or contact us online.