Advanced Irrigation Blog Posts

Lawn Care Tips for the Spring in Maple Grove MN

Sure, it’s still winter in Maple Grove MN, but it’s never too early to start thinking about spring lawn care. Maple Grove MN is just one of the many areas Advanced Irrigation serves, so we have a few tips for you to make sure your lawn is ready for the warmer weather!

As soon as snow season in Maple Grove MN is over, during that in-between winter-and spring-phase, start raking your lawn. But don’t just do a quick job of it. Make sure you get any leaves that are still on your lawn and also give it a deep raking where you are picking up the thatch. You don’t want thatch to build up to any more than a half-inch on your lawn. Taking the time to do this necessary lawn care chore can help the grass at your Maple Grove MN home grow faster and thicker.

Take a good long look at your Maple Grove MN lawn after you’re done raking and look at whether or not the soil has been compacted. This occurs when there is a lot of foot traffic on your lawn, and this is another great lawn care chore to take care of before spring. Lawn aeration can be done, but most experts agree this is a fall lawn care chore. However, if you spot it now, you can make plans to get lawn aerating done a few months down the road.

Now it’s time to take a look at your lawn mower – your best friend for all of your lawn care chores! Make sure it’s in tip-top shape and ready for the warm months. Get the blades sharpened, change the oil and spark plugs and clean or change any air filters. If you take care of this now before the warm weather hits, you can probably get some good deals and prices on any items you need to buy.

And for all of your lawn care needs in and around Maple Grove MN, call Advanced Irrigation at (612) 599-8675 or contact us online. Or we can give you a free estimate online.

Winter Lawn Care Preparation and You

As the temperature begins to drop, you can begin to think less about cutting grass –though you will likely still need to do so at least one more time! – and begin to think more about preparing your lawn for the winter weather.

Here in the Twin Cities, due to snowfall and freezing temps, the grass growth will slow, so the final mowing of the year means that the blades of your mower need to be set at a height of 2 inches. Long grass will get matted down by winter storms and then provides the perfect home for field mice, so it is imperative that you protect your lawn from these issues so your work next spring will be easier to manage.

In addition to cutting your grass low, be sure you have applied a cool season grass seed as well as a nitrogen-rich fertilizer or soil enhancer, if you live in a warmer region. However, for those living in cooler climate, the experts recommend using a potassium rich supplement. Then, regardless of where you may live, it is beneficial to have a soil test performed to get an idea of how your soil is doing. The test will help you better determine what work, as well as what type of plants, you will want to consider for the following year.

If you are one to use an organic approach to lawn care, then fall is the perfect time to add another layer of compost as this can help keep the soil healthy. Follow the application of compost with a god watering –especially if it has been a dry fall season. This will help the trees and shrubbery to take on water to store and help them stay healthy during the winter.

Once winter snow and ice have descended, keep in mind that the white surface does not create a pavement that protects plants from damage! Don’t park snowplows, vehicles or other heavy items on your yard or when the snow finally melts, there will be significant lawn damage to repair. As part of your winter lawn care preparation you can ensure you keep those heavy items off the lawn, by inserting stakes or post to indicate the edges of your lawn.

And, lastly, be sure to avoid sodium based ice melters around the lawns and plants. Yes, this is the cheapest, but it will damage your lawn. Rather use calcium chloride as this is more environmentally friendly.

Winter lawn care preparation is important. Taking the time prepare your lawn now, will benefit you in the future. If you need help, contact the pros here at Advance Irrigation. We would love to help you!

Contact us today with any questions 612-599-8675 or contact us online.

Winterizing Lawn Sprinklers

Dare we say it? It’s time to be thinking about winterizing your lawn sprinklers. The process of turning off your irrigation system for the winter is a task that should not be taken lightly. It is best preformed by a professional company to assure proper techniques are used. In this blog, we’re going to give you some information about why it’s important to winterize your system and cover the basic process.

Importance of Winterizing

Are you thinking about just shutting off the water and calling it a day? Then you definitely need the services of a qualified professional. Winterizing your system properly is crucial to the overall performance of your system. If water is left in the system over winter, the pipes may freeze causing them to burst. This can result in costly repairs in the future. Come spring, you’ll want to have a working irrigation system. You have a better chance of this if you properly shut down your system now

The Basic Process

1. Shut off the water supply to the sprinkler system

2. Turn off the controller that regulates water flow

3. Disassemble any excess pieces of the system

4. Drain the water in an organized way

5. Make any necessary repairs to the system

There is a lot more than meets the eye. This process has a lot of variables depending on your system, climate and special requirements. Our team of trained professionals has the knowledge to navigate almost any sprinkler system. Let them help you check one thing off your to-do list this fall and get prepared for the winter. You’ll be glad you did.

Are you in need of a company to winterize your lawn sprinklers? Give us a call today at 612-599-8675 or contact us online.

Some Lawn Care Tips as we Head into Fall

Fall will be here shortly. Like, really shortly. Like, within a week. Don’t panic, we’ve got you covered with some lawn care tips to propel you into fall. At Advanced Irrigation, we never run out of advice, so if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. Every lawn is different, so you may need to use different techniques to keep your lawn in tip top shape. As we head into fall, you will need to update your lawn care routine to accommodate.

Watering Techniques

Just because temperatures are generally cooler in the fall, it doesn’t mean you can just forget about watering. Your lawn will need about one inch of precipitation a week, during the fall. If Mother Nature doesn’t provide that much for you, you need to take it upon yourself. If you underwater your lawn now, it will have a harder time making it though the winter. Lawns can go dormant if they are left unattended for too long.

Rake Those Leaves

Though it may seem like a chore, you need to get out there and rake those leaves once they start falling. Your grass needs direct access to sunlight and if there are leaves in the way, it will be impossible for sunlight to get to your lawn. Take the time, while you’re raking, to also clear out any thatch, pine needles and other materials on top of your grass. When you clear the leaves off, remember how much you are helping your lawn. Plus, an added benefit of raking is awesome leaf piles to jump in!

Fall Fertilizing

Grass can benefit from some fall fertilizing action. By fertilizing now, you are providing your plants with the opportunity to grow stronger and deeper roots. This will help them last through the winter and be better prepared when it comes to be spring. Giving your grass a little extra food and nutrients now, can help its overall health in the long run.

Do you need help with your lawn as we head into fall? Give us a call today at 612-599-8675 or request a free estimate online.

End of Summer Lawn Care Tips

It seems as though summer temperatures are trying to give us one last hurrah! Hot days have definitely become the norm around here. It’s hard to believe, but it will soon be that time of year when you need to start preparing your lawn for the winter. Fall is the perfect season to clean up your yard, turn off your irrigation system and batten down the hatches. If you live anywhere around the Twin Cities, like Edina, irrigation systems need to be shut down by a professional. In this blog, we’re going to cover that and some other end of summer lawn care tips.

Minimum Requirements

During the hot, dry conditions prevalent in summer, your lawn may need up to two inches of water per week. But, during the cooler fall temperatures, your lawn probably only needs watered one inch per week, on average. This means you need to adjust your irrigation system once fall temperatures set in. Overwatering your grass can be just as harmful as under watering your grass. If you’re unsure about where to set your system, give us a call.

Summer Brown Spots

Just because your lawn has brown spots doesn’t mean it’s dead. It is possible that your grass is dormant due to dry conditions. When a lawn is subjected to harsh conditions for over 45 days, focus its efforts on keeping the roots hydrated. This will cause your grass to appear brown. It is a perfectly normal condition and once more moderate temperatures set in, your grass will continue to thrive.

Fall Blowout

By the end of the fall, it will be time to conduct a fall blow out. This is where our team will visit your irrigation system and shut it off properly for the winter. It’s recommended you have this process taken care of by a trained professional. If an irrigation system is shut down improperly, it may result in damage over the winter. It’s never too early to get your fall blowout scheduled, as spots fill up quickly.

Contact us today for all your irrigation system needs by calling 612-599-8675 or contact us online.